Social Policies and Processes

Social sustainability is a key component of running your business, and so it is important that you have best practice social policies and processes in place. This can include health, safety and wellbeing; diversity, equality and inclusion; as well as recognising your responsibility for your supply chain and managing modern slavery. 

Health, Safety and  Wellbeing

We are dedicated to creating safer and healthier workplaces. Health and safety consultancy can be an important step in improving your current approach and is a key part of managing risk and protecting people. It is also helpful when there has been significant change within the organisation, such as a merger, which can impact health and safety performance. We also find that our clients can see the benefit of an external health and safety consultant when internal processes have become too complicated, bureaucratic, and time-consuming. Our approach for health and safety includes a review to assess the scope, adequacy and effectiveness of current processes which results in a clear and comprehensive improvement plan. We can also support with coaching and training.

Wellbeing is also an important part of managing a safe workplace and has seen increasing attention over recent years.  We have dedicated, qualified professionals who can support with mental health awareness training to enable your organisation to improve its approach to workplace mental health support and wellbeing programmes. 

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DE&I) are also becoming increasingly recognised as an important part of running a sustainable organisation. Increased DE&I can lead to a more engaged workforce, improved decision making, a wider talent pool and improved diversity of thought – ultimately leading to better decision making and business results. Asesoria can support your organisation with developing a DE&I strategy, building inclusive succession plans, understand your employee’s experiences with DE&I as well as, offer training such an unconscious bias or inclusive organisational behaviours to equip your team with the awareness and skills needed to be an inclusive business.

Modern Slavery and Human Rights

Understanding and acting against modern slavery is a key part of ensuring social sustainability is embedded within your organisation. Our dedicated social sustainability and governance team can support with drafting a modern slavery statement and anti-slavery policies compliant with the Modern Slavery Act as well as training to enable a culture based in human rights. 

We are able to support organisations to ensure you have the right internal policies, codes of conduct and external policy statement in place.

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