ESG Reporting
ESG reporting refers to the disclosure of non-financial information related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics. It includes information regarding policies, processes, and initiatives undertaken by a organisation to manage ESG risks and opportunities. ESG reporting is used by companies to communicate with stakeholders such as investors, customers, employees, and regulators about their efforts towards sustainable and responsible business practices.
ESG and Non-Financial Reporting provide businesses with a platform to communicate with stakeholders on topics relating to their environmental stewardship, social responsibility and impact, and corporate governance. It not only allows businesses to comply with legal requirements but provides a real opportunity to demonstrate what is important to the company and its stakeholders.
It offers businesses the opportunity to maintain consumer and investor confidence through clear and transparent communication. A good ESG report will demonstrate what you have achieved in the reporting year and improve engagement with internal and external stakeholders.
Asesoria has over 20 years of experience in supporting companies with their external reporting. Helping organisations to articulate what is important to them, in a clear and transparent way. We support organisations in the collection and analysis of relevant data, establishing ESG policies and goals, implementing ESG initiatives, monitoring and evaluating performance, and reporting annually on progress to stakeholders.
ESG areas may include GHG emissions, energy, water, waste management, labour practices including employee health and safety, diversity and inclusion, human rights, data privacy, consumer protection, and supply chain management.
Our ESG reporting services include:
- Non-financial reporting within Annual Reports
- Sustainability and ESG Reports
- Social Impact Reporting