Emissions Mapping and Reduction Strategies

Emissions mapping and reduction strategies refer to the process of measuring and analysing an organisations Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and developing strategies to reduce their impact on the environment.

Emissions mapping involves the collection and analysis of data to identify and quantify an organisation’s greenhouse gas emissions (such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) that are produced from various sources (such as transportation, industrial processes, and energy production).

Mapping provides an organisation with a clear understanding of its emissions picture and is key to informing and developing an effective reduction strategy that can focus on those areas with the potential for the greatest improvement and impact.

Once emissions have been mapped, reduction strategies can be implemented to address the sources of the emissions and reduce their impact on the environment. These strategies should include a variety of measures, including increasing energy efficiency, switching to clean energy sources, changing transportation methods, and implementing new policies and regulations.

We have extensive experience in mapping greenhouse gas emissions and can support you to map your environmental impacts. We can advise on suitable risk management approaches and emissions reduction initiatives to support a glide path with key milestones towards net-zero.

We have recently seen an increase in companies wishing to commit and submit targets to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). SBTi is a partnership between CDP, World Resources Institute, the Worldwide Fund for Nature, and the United National Global Compact with the goal of encouraging organisations to make ambitious emissions reduction targets and make real progress towards achieving Net Zero.

We can also support organisations with scenario analysis which allows companies to understand the risks which they may face under different climate change pathways. Scenario Analysis is a key recommendation of the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures as well as a useful tool in decision making and shaping emissions reduction plans.

For more information please email projects@asesoria-group.com